Sunday, December 28, 2014


Fact: At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 109 wounded and 58 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs.)
Fact: Between 2004 and 2011, there have been over 11,000 reports to the U.S. FDA's MedWatch system of psychiatric drug side effects related to violence. These include 300 cases of homicide, nearly 3,000 cases of mania and over 7,000 cases of aggression. Note: By the FDA's own admission, only 1-10% of side effects are ever reported to the FDA, so the actual number of side effects occurring are most certainly higher.
Dec 14, 2012
A heavily armed man invaded a Newtown, Conn., elementary school today, killing his mother and 26 others, mostly children, federal and state sources tell ABC News.
The gunman, identified as Adam Lanza, 24, of New Jersey, was killed inside of the school. In addition to the casualties at the school, a dead body was also found in his home, officials said. Sources said Lanza was armed with four weapons and wearing a bullet-proof vest when he opened fire in the elementary school.
Twenty-seven people, including 18 children, have been killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, according to the Associated Press.
The report cites an official with knowledge of the situation.
Sources told The Courant that there are at least 20 shooting victims. Many of the shootings took place in a kindergarten classroom, sources said.
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One entire classroom is unaccounted for, sources said.
A person believed to be a shooter is dead. Earlier reports of a second shooter are unconfirmed.
The Associated Press is reporting that 27 people are dead, including 18 children.
Three people were brought to Danbury Hospital, but their condition is unknown. The emergency room is on lockdown.
Police were still searching the school at 11 a.m., and police dogs had been brought in. Around noon, the triage area was broken down, stretchers were taken away and the SWAT team left the building.
Shortly after 9:40 a.m., police reported that a shooter was in the main office of the school. A person in one room had "numerous gunshot wounds," police said.
Groups of students — some crying, some holding hands — were being escorted away from the school by their teachers. Some students were still in the school at 10:30 a.m., parents said.
School and local emergency officials are accounting for the children, who will be released to their parents to get them home. A staging area has been set up at the Sandy Hook fire department, directly in front of the school.
Frustrated parents are trying to get information from officials, who are still actively searching the school.
Eight-year-old Alexis Wasik, a third-grader at the school, said police were checking everybody inside the school before they were escorted to the firehouse.
"We had to walk with a partner," she said.
One child leaving the school said that there was shattered glass everywhere. A police officer ran into the classroom and told them to run outside and keep going until the reach the firehouse.
Dozens of state troopers are on the scene assisting local police. Heavily armed police gathered in front of the school around 10:45 a.m., and a number of stretchers were set up. Area hospitals have been alerted.
Andrew Doba, a spokesman for Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, said the governor is monitoring the situation and is in "constant contact" with state police, who are coordinating with federal and local officials. Malloy will travel to Newtown later today, he said.
Afternoon buses and kindergarten has been cancelled.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hoe Closed American Minds Justify Genocidal Murder by the Government- WAR CRIMES

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Discussion about Secret Memo for Genocidal President

The Memo actually does NOT give the government has the authority to kill its own citizens. Follow the Comments, you can spot the DEMOCRAT Shill to Justify MURDER for His Boy, Barry Soterio, Crack Smoking Gay Boy.....

"The release of this memo represents an overdue but nonetheless crucial step towards transparency. There are few questions more important than the question of when ," said ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer, who argued the FOIA lawsuit before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
"This memo's release will allow the public to better understand the scope and implications of the authority the government is on"

Terrorists don't have signs around their necks saying they're terrorists. So, let's say you're a peaceful goat herder and your cousin is getting married, and her husband is BFF with some terror types, and you, the peaceful goat herding dude, go to the wedding, and some douchebag in the Air Force drones a missile into the wedding and kills you, then it's you're fault for being "close to a terrorist"? Try this one: don't be an asshole defending the indefensible.



Xsorus --------------->. tweakerbelle •

Being Innocent during Wartime doesn't make you any less likely to be blown up... You think when we were bombing Germany there weren't innocent people? What you hope and dream of doesn't change the simple fact of what happens in Wars. Does it suck that innocent people die? Yes...Do I expect it to change? Nope... You can live in that fantasy reality of yours all you want..It still don't change what actually happens in the real world.


Karen-------------> Xsorus . •

Congratulations. You have just provided a rationale for the deaths of 3000 innocent people on 9/11/01. You see, if we are at war with Al Qaeda or terrorism or bad people or some other such concept, it didn't begin then. It was going on well before that, they saw us as attacking them and their interests, and the deaths they caused are are perfectly justifiable according to your own logic.


fantagor------------> Karen •

If what you say is true, and I believe it is, 9/11 was a counterstrike, and the USA's response was escalation, which is what they wanted more than anything.

Xsorus .----------------> Karen • 11 hours ago

To us it was a horrible act of War Karen, to them it Was Defense of their people... Perspectives of each side are often different based on life experience...In other words, To me I find 9/11 to be horrible, But then again I'm an American. If I grew up around Al Qaeda I probably would of found it justified based on my Life Experience when dealing with the American Government. To the Average German, when they were at war with us, their perspective was we were horrible people... The fact that you think a rationale is correct or justified all the times is rather hilarious.


Karen ------------->Xsorus . •

If you think that a rationale that justifies your actions is invalid when someone else uses it, what you are doing is called circular reasoning.

Xsorus ----->. Karen •

Only I didn't state that..I stated pretty much the opposite. a Rationale is pretty much based on your life experiences. What I find justified is meaningless in the long run because I'm obviously biased like all Humans are.


Karen----------->Xsorus . •

Well, I thought you were disputing my claim that your rationale can be used to justify the 9/11 attacks, since you called it "hilarious". If you weren't disputing that, why do you still think that us killing their innocent people is justified?


Xsorus ------>. Karen •
Because I'm an American, and my life experiences as an American give me my opinion that its Justified. I'm obviously biased, but most rationales are biased.

Karen-----> Xsorus . •

I guess that's how you and me are different.


Xsorus ------>. Karen • 10 hours ago

Clearly, you see the World in Black and White, I see the world in the Mucky Grey it actually is.


Karen------> Xsorus . • 10 hours ago

Not at all. That you think that is "clear" suggests the opposite. I merely insist on consistency and real reasons for the distinctions you draw. If we do not have that, we have no justification for anything we do, and that weakens our position. Its not in our interests to engage in arbitrary violence.


Xsorus .------> Karen •
Insisting on Consistency is pretty much only seeing the World in Black and White. You will not find Consistency usually in the world when dealing with Rationales from different people or groups.


Karen-----> Xsorus . •

If you don't think you need to come up with consistent and defensible rationales for your actions, then I guess that's again how we're different. All you're doing is engaging in us good them bad thinking, which is about as black and white as you can get. At least you admit it though.


Xsorus ----->.

Only I don't agree with every action in a "us vs them" world. I just happen to not shed a Tear for a guy who was going out of his way to harm America, nor anyone he was associating with. Nor do I expect Our Military to be able to fly in and capture someone like this guy..and would honestly prefer instead of risking our soldiers lives, to just blow him up with a missile.


JohnJ-------> Xsorus . •

Where are your war wounds and how many of your children have you put up for sacrifice?

Cheerleading is morally cheap, and so are your arguments championing brutalizing other people. If you are not writing from a tent in Afghanistan STFU.


Xsorus .-----> JohnJ •

You seem to have pretty good internet in your tent in Afghanistan.


JohnJ-----> Xsorus . •

I am not arguing for killing people in the name of ideology. In fact I am arguing against state sponsored killing for the profit of corporations.


Xsorus ------>. JohnJ •

I see, So you believe your opinion holds more weight despite not having those very war wounds you were crying about. Being a Pacifist doesn't make an opinion on War more Valid.


tweakerbelle ----->Xsorus . •

not all humans, butt wipe.


JohnMWhite-----> Xsorus . •
None of this is an acceptable rationale if you haven't declared war.


Xsorus ----->. JohnMWhite • 11 hours ago by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1] Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. The technique is also sometimes used in advertising.


Karen-----> Xsorus . •

That's not a declaration of war.

Xsorus ----->. Karen •
It gave us all we needed to go after any entity we deemed fit in the War on Terrorism. It was, for all intents and purposes, a Declaration of War.


tweakerbelle-----> Xsorus . •

fuck you. and the theory you are using. it's bullshit. puerile legalstic bullshit.

Karen-----> Xsorus . •

Well, there we go again applying reasoning that we would not accept from others.


Xsorus -----<. Karen •

Welcome to the world of Rationales and how the world actually works.

Rich H ---->Xsorus . •
Doesn't stop someone from being a douche-bag.

tweakerbelle-----> Xsorus . • 5 hours ago

The logical errors in your statement are multiple. Luckily for you, I'm totally hammered right now, so I'll do what I can, which isn't much before I pass out from exhaustion and booze.

"Being Innocent during Wartime doesn't make you any less likely to be blown up... "
Red herring.

"You think when we were bombing Germany there weren't innocent people?"
Strawman argument.

"What you hope and dream of doesn't change the simple fact of what happens in Wars."
Assertion argument.

"Does it suck that innocent people die? Yes...Do I expect it to change? Nope..."
Which is nihilism. Please kill yourself, now.

"Nope... You can live in that fantasy reality of yours all you want.."
Ad hominem argument.

".It still don't change what actually happens in the real world."
Assertion argument.

So, here I am, fucked out of my brain on some really awesome rum my boyfriend brought home, and after a lengthy evening of "fun" I was able to demonstrate that EVERY SINGLE LINE OF YOUR NONSENSICAL BULLSHIT was some kind of logical error.

Don't fuck with me. Really.

Don't. I know you're probably feeling all defensive and shit, but seriously, just STFU and go away. You've made an ass of yourself in front of thousands of people. Good job, moron.

Now kindly take yourself ANd your neoliberal "realpolitik" someplace else, while the rest of us figure out how to fix the mess assholes like you have made for us aND the rest of the biosphere. Jerkwater.

I can see, Others also get Really
Upset at Stupid Evil American Propaganda Shills, and make mistakes. in Typing.


Xsorus ---->. tweakerbelle •

I think you'll have more problems digging all that Sand out of your Vagina to worry about the rest of the world. I'm sorry your naive view of the world keeps you from understanding the realities of it.

Shohanna-----> Xsorus .

Misogynists attacks now? Really? Flagged for the troll you are.

Osama bin Bush •

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't on an American kill list,Nor was he a member of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninusla. Nor was he "an inspiration," as his father styled himself, for those determined to draw American blood; nor had he gone "operational," as American authorities said his father had, in drawing up plots against Americans and American interests. He was a boy who hadn't seen his father in two years, since his father had gone into hiding. He was a boy who knew his father was on an American kill list and who snuck out of his family's home in the early morning hours of September 4, 2011, to try to find him. He was a boy who was still searching for his father when his father was killed, and who, on the night he himself was killed, was saying goodbye to the second cousin with whom he'd lived while on his search, and the friends he'd made. He was a boy among boys, then; a boy among boys eating dinner by an open fire along the side of a road when an American drone came out of the sky and fired the missiles that killed them all.

Murder ,nothing more nothing less .
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Haters Attack Mother Thresa

Another Right Wing Hit Piece
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Another Right Wing Hit Piece

Mother Teresa was actually a bitch

People say that Mother Teresa was an inspirational figure. I ask my students sometimes to name a role model, and I always hear the answer, "Mother Teresa."
But what did Mother Teresa actually do? I know she was into charity and helping the poor and all that jazz, but who was she? What was motivating her to live this way? Thankfully. Mother Teresa was pretty web savvy and has a beefy Wikipedia profile.
As it turns out, Mother Teresa was an Albanian, Indian, Roman Catholic nun. Which sounds exactly like a description of someone who would beat you senseless with a stick for not saying your Hail Marys. "It's good for you; it's God's will," she would say, with a stone cold face, as she turned your butt red with her thrashings, possibly picking her teeth with a toothpick at the same time.
She did, however, devote her whole goddamn life to serving Jesus, so she can't be all bad.
But why did she do it?
There is only one photo of Mother Teresa where she is smiling. It has been recreated with different backgrounds and color schemes, but it is still only one. The rest of the time, she looks like my late Nana ten beers deep after her Steelers lost in the playoffs.
I looked a little deeper to see if I could get a better feel for this woman. And then I found the golden ticket: she racked up more awards for being peaceful than anyone in human history. She even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, but refused the conventional ceremonial banquet and gave the $192k prize to poor people in India. Noble move, right? I don't think so. It wasn't enough for her to be recognized for the award? She needed to also be recognized as the person who refused the ceremony and the money? Annoying. She was on a secret, personal mission to be the most peaceful person ever, even surpassing Gandhi.
I suspect that if I could have broken into her apartment I would have found a headshot of Gandhi on the wall with his eyeballs carved out by a knife and darts sticking to his forehead (ok maybe not, but I can dream). "That son of a bitch was so effective that he got assassinated," she would mumble under her breath as she stared at herself in the mirror during her daily morning pep talk. "I'm the most self-less. That half-naked bastard never won any awards. I will show the world," she would continue as she splashed scalding hot water on her aging face just to feel alive.
She set out on a mission to be the most helpful, the most philanthropic, and the most peaceful human ever. She even went so far as to visit a leprosy colony to help the people that no one else would help. No one else would help. What normal person would do something like this? "Leprosy, oh no thanks, I'm going to sit this one out. . .those people are fucked," the other charitable figures would say. Not MT, that was her opportunity to shine, to stand out amongst the crowd of half-assed helpers.
Charity is something most people do on the side because they feel fortunate to be living a good life and want to give back.
Charitable work is motivated by compassion. Most people have compassion but are ultimately going to make sure they are taking care of themselves and their families. That is the nature of our existence. It's our biology and it's our instinct. It is the sign of a healthy individual. Perhaps one might argue that some people have a different spiritual purpose during their lifetimes here. Well, unfortunately, Mother Teresa was one miracle away from being recognized as a saint by the Catholic church, so I guess that shoots that theory down. Bummer.
Too much attention on other people means not enough attention on yourself. Which usually means something gnar gnar happened, and it is easier to cater to the suffering of others than to fix your own life. I'm going to make the obvious connection here to a lot of "healers" (barf) and yoga teachers. They are pretty damn fantastic when you are suffering and need their help. But try telling them you've got it covered, things are under control, and you don't need them. "What? You don't need me?" Watch the healing teacher become the raging bull and suffer a complete meltdown right before your eyes. The insides of those with the perfect outsides.
What if the poor had refused Mother Teresa's help and she was left living a life just for herself? What would her days have looked like if everywhere she went the people told her they were better off without her help? What if your yoga teachers or your friends didn't have your problems to dwell on? What would things look like if everyone was forced to deal with their own shit? Well, it would be a shit show, I guess. It's pretty obvious that Mother Teresa was simply the most unhappy person in human history.

About Kirk Hensler
Kirk Hensler was raised in metro Detroit on a steady diet of meat, potatoes and team sports. As a competitive athlete, he relied on his speed, power and dominant attitude to excel. Years later, when he took up martial arts, he was tossed around a sweaty dojo for months by various women and children. One day, while horizontal on the mat, he had the profound realization that their patience and finesse quietly trumped his strength and aggression. This led to an exploration of ancient Eastern philosophies, which, in turn, led Kirk to Taiwan, where he taught English, studied martial arts and ate a lot of delicious and strange street food. When Kirk returned to the US, he began applying what he'd learned to his Western, urban life and to his career as a wellness coach, martial arts instructor, and yoga teacher. Check out Kirk's Egoist Bullshit! As a Bitch, he only needs a Dress!

Abby Hoffmann says:

Mother Theresa was a sham! She didn't care about the poor -- she systematically witheld and opposed the means by which women could help and empower themselves -- namely contraception and education.. Sorry, Does not mean squat, It was NOT in Mother's Power to Give these means to Dying Lepers! All the Filthy Lies in the world can change one fact, She Gave Dying Lepers a Place to Die in Dignity, & That was her only mission.

Compassion is recognizing that that person is just like you and so you wish for them the happiness and freedom from suffering that you want. It is actually difficult to put into practice.

People, yogis and Smart Yippie New Age shitheels, need to quit thinking that happiness means you are delusionally upbeat all the time. "follow your bliss" "find your truth" hearts and stars and happy faces. I get personally irked when the yoga teachers of which you speak pepper their speech with "my child"
But what Mother Theresa was doing was hard work. It wasn't about her.

I'm sorry to inform you, but mother theresa was not a good women. She made an organization [she did no such thing!]where she watched people die and refused to get them real help.[ Dam, you Bitch! That WAS Her MISSION! The CASTE system allowed nothing else!] There are many, many, many accounts on this. There are books, documentaries, articles, testemonies, and so much more supporting what i am saying. Before you give mother theresa props, look at what she was really doing in Culcutta[YOU go to Calcutta, bitch! It Stinks! Seriously, riding from the Aero Port into the City you cannot believe the Stench! However, one soon forgets that, when the Swarms of Beggers surround you, as they can Spot a Rich Tourist! Police Beat them away from you, but not before you fearfully pee yourself! I visited there in 1975, as a Peace Corps Volunteer, a Nebraska Fellow Traveller peed herself...and Wept at the Abject Proverty, people here in San Francisco tell me Nothing has changed. You Go Help People, Foul bitch, rather than Sit on your Haemorrhoidal Tush poking hatred at others!]

Why not take a look at what she was doing in San Francisco, where I Personally Saw Her? Today, Sunday, 22 June, 2014, there are Thousands of Displaced People Dying on the Streets, Here, in Good Old America, Land of the Free! The Rich Techies are Taking over Every Piece of Real Estate, & The Mayor, Edward the 8th. Lee, is taking Bribes to Allow the Systemic Genocide of the Poor, to let the Poor Die without Dignity, in the Richest Nation, and This Genocidal Ideology is the same Craven, Callousness that Mother tried to Alleviate in Calcutta. American People are Cruelly a Sorry, Greedy & Hateful bunch!

What do you call it when you attribute words, thoughts, motivations to someone that are not theirs.? It is lying. There can certainly be valid criticism of Mother Teresa. Ironically, because she was rather open, she supplied the ammunition to her detractors . Hutchins purposely set out to create a distorted portrait of Mother Theresa because he was opposed to her philosophy. [ Hutchins Worshipped Ann Ryan, go figure!]If you take all from this pile and none from that pile, you'll be a great "reality" TV producer but a poor judge of truth. There is no one who aspires to goodness, who is not at least in part a hypocrite. In the largest measures, we know that Mother Theresa chose to live a difficult life among the poorest of the poor and brought world attention to their plight. She had flaws. She was complex.

When you claim to know more than you actually do you are a liar. I get it. You write a blog. You'd like to appear intelligent despite lacking any intellectual honesty. You cloak yourself in some imagined understanding of "eastern" (too use such a vacant phrase) philosophy. Try this instead. Be humble. Be reluctant to accuse. Be hesitant to make bold proclamations. Use restraint. Be mature. Don't be like every other young American punk who thinks he has "out thought" the wisdom of the ages. It comes across as ridiculous and a little sad.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole

Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole:  Unsafe Under Any Conditions

Psychiatrists labeled Toole schizophrenic, psychopathic and retarded. Said one, "To him, life itself is so unmeaning, and the distinction between living and dead people so blurred, that killing is no more than swatting an annoying fly.... He trivializes the distinction between living and dead, believing himself to be dead. Retarded and illiterate, he has been out of control since early childhood. A severely drug-dependent individual, he is unsafe under any conditions outside of a secure prison, and perhaps unsafe there."

These men worked as a team from the time they met in 1976, and after they were caught and imprisoned, both confessed to an unbelievably high number of murders, and later Lucas recanted many of them. Then he said he'd been forced to recant.  Toole claimed to be a cannibal, but Lucas said that he'd abstained because he did not like the taste of barbecue sauce.

Ottis Toole, in the words of his crime partner and lover Henry Lee Lucas, was one of "the worstest killers in the world." Alone and with Lucas, this killer drag queen restlessly roved all over this country robbing, raping, burning and killing, attacking America more like an epidemic plague than a human being. Estimated casualties vary from 50 to 500 victims. He has confessed to numerous cases, and many are considered closed, even though largely due to the economics of prosecuting a murder case, formal charges were never even brought.

It is impossible to consider this barrage of criminal acts without wondering what unleashed this extraordinary destruction. During three 3-hour sessions Tolle described an life story that to most people just doesn't seem real. It was as he were telling us about another form of life. We may vaguely sense this sort of thing is out there, but we don't want to get too close to it. Scuttling through the sludge in the bottom of the swamp, always searching for prey, these are the real Gators.

Ottis Toole was as rare a specimen as an albino alligator, and it is with that rare dangerousness in mind that I entered his world and explored his reality. It was with a great deal of emotional tension that he told me he was sitting at the bottom of his grave. "The sides just ain't caved in on me yet." And in a sense, he spent his entire life in a grave. At the bottom of the gene pool, to be born is to die.

Ottis Toole may be naive, and he may employ the provincial speech of the underclass, but in his own poignant way, he has succinctly summed up the crux of the problem he embodies, which is the failure of every human system to understand, support, and assist him from the time of his conception to the present. While we do not sympathize with his atrocious crimes, if we fail to account for the contributing factors, we will never be able to confront and eventually to change those elements of our society that allow this sort of virulent pathology to flourish unchecked.

While medical research has been conducted for years on the connection between brain dysfunction and criminal behavior, in Florida it has been systematically suppressed by a criminal justice system that sees such work as a threat to the established remedies relying on capital punishment. Florida executes more criminals than any state in the union, and fearfully prevents researchers from having access to the condemned. Hypocrisy and denial are strangling the South just as surely as the kudzu that blankets the fields and the moss that drapes the trees. Our story begins and ends in the Deep South, but its implications extend throughout the entire country.

This is characteristic of the denial underlying our response to all of society's rejects -- those who have fallen into the underclass in any way -- whether they be incarcerated, unemployed, abused, neglected, insane, physically or mentally infirm or defective, involved in prostitution, drugs, gambling or petty crime -- or merely of a less than desirable age, weight, nationality, sexual orientation, or complexion. The difficulties experienced by these elements of the population are not being addressed, and since they make up the majority not only of offenders, but of victims, the underlying dynamics that contribute to the unchecked proliferation of not only serial murder, but repeated crimes of every kind, are allowed to fulminate to the extent that the damage extends beyond that strata of throw-aways and write-offs, and impinges upon the lives of the happy, shiny people that expect to be protected and defended from such chaos.

Serial killers embody the most extreme forms of social pathology possible, and it is in the process of learning to understand these unfathomable creatures that we are compelled to discover disturbing truths about ourselves, the world we have created, and its inevitable strange fruit. While the disease of serial murder is not confined to the disadvantaged, Ottis Toole represents society's ultimate scapegoat, combining every possible deficit.

Ottis Toole on A Current Affair


One of Toole's defense attorneys once said facetiously, "The best way I can describe Ottis Toole is that he represents the lower end of the gene pool." While his dismissive comment was not intended to be taken literally, it was actually very descriptive of Toole's legacy.

Prenatal factors including poverty, alcoholism, and marginal nutrition, combined to give him little opportunity to maximize his genetic heritage, which was not overly predisposed towards success in the first place.

He has suffered frontal and limbic brain damage resulting in numerous seizures. His tendency to black out results in confusion about the details of his crimes. When asked about his crimes, he explained, "Well, some of them I don't even remember doing until it's been done, until the next day somebody says you done this, you done that, I don't really remember, you know. Cause I'm an epileptic, too, you see."

His self-awareness and memory were further impaired by years of consumption of commercial and bootleg liquor, along with an unrelenting barrage of street drugs, starting with his mother's "nerve pills." "Oh shoot," Ottis said, "I would take it all. Whatever I could get my hands on, is what I would take. Something to get me real high, you know."

The abuse of alcohol and drugs not only affected his psychology, it undermined whatever moral training he might have had. "Dope makes you wild... it really brings out the hate in you more, because you don't care who you would have to rob to get it. You'd probably rob your own mama to take her pocketbook." He would go so far as to blame his string of murders on drugs. "If I was in my right mind at the time, it wouldn't have never happened. I was on dope, strung out, just wild and crazy, you know?"

In prison, he was consistently medicated with Thorazine and Dilantin, given a regular balanced diet, and punished when he was caught with drugs or jailhouse brew. Though the rigid control of his environment provided some ballast for his fragile equilibrium, it was not enough to restore him to a soundness he had never known in the first place.

His life in prison was more stable and healthy than his life outside ever could have been, and while he realized he would probably die behind bars, he still dreamed of freedom. "They's always a chance, you don't never give up," he told me. "If you give up, you just as well go lay down and say shut the damn top on the coffin and smother me to death."


Psychiatrists variously diagnosed Toole as schizophrenic and psychopathic. His IQ had been tested between 54 and 75, which is considered borderline retarded. Functionally illiterate, he dropped out of his special-education classes in the eighth grade. A court-ordered psychological report concluded in 1985, "He is a creature of impulse that seems incapable of premeditation. He has always acted instantly on impulse without the slightest sense of right or wrong at the time. Life itself, to him, is so unmeaning, and the distinction between living and dead people so blurred, that killing to him is no more than swatting an annoying fly is to normal people. A severely disturbed individual who is competent and sane in spite of his bizarre history, Ottis Toole seems incapable of premeditation or self-control. He trivialized the distinction between living and dead, believing himself to be dead. Retarded and illiterate, he has been out of control since early childhood. A severely drug-dependent individual, he is unsafe under any conditions outside of a secure prison, and perhaps unsafe there. He is neurologically damaged, definitely in the frontal area, and the psychological evaluation indicates other neurological deficits. He is a classic case of severely diminished capacity to control his impulses."

As a child, Toole was dressed as a girl, and later he dressed as a woman and solicited sex as a prostitute. Although he was twice married briefly, he denied enjoying sex with women. "Tried 'em. Didn't like 'em."

He always considered himself homosexual. "Well, I was raped when I was a little kid. A real little kid about six years old. I told my mother about it, and she said he wouldn't do nothing like that, you know."

Since early childhood, he obtained sexual satisfaction from setting fires, which culminated in his conviction in 1983 of murder by arson. "I been doing fires since I was a little kid. See, the little fires don't excite me, you know. Only big fires excite me. Just like if an ugly woman don't look good to you, you don't get excited. You have to get a pretty woman to get excited. It's like the same way with fires, you know. The bigger the fires, the more I get excited."

The psychology of arson involves damage to the limbic brain resulting in a stimulation to the central nervous system which is felt in the genitals, resulting in a sexual interpretation of a phenomenon essentially arising from brain damage.

Toole was a member of the lowest social stratum of the poorest part of the country. The South has always been widely known for its prejudice against blacks. Less recognized but as prevalent is the attitude that "poor white trash" are even lower than blacks; in the Deep South, white trash have always been considered the absolute dregs of society. While the precise meaning of the term "white trash" is debatable, most would agree with the definition similarly applied to pornography: "I know it when I see it." And few would quarrel with assigning that appellation to Ottis Toole's origins. Suffice it to say, there were few redeeming features in his social milieu.

If the Bible Belt had a buckle, it would be Ottis Toole's home town, Jacksonville, Florida. Entwined with the near-hypnotic hysteria of the holy-roller, hardshell Baptist is a neurologically-based hyper-religiosity that fuels the more extreme forms of fundamentalist Christianity.

Similar in style and intensity, but profoundly opposed in content and intent, is what Toole called "devil worship." "If you believe in God, you believe in the Devil," Ottis said. "If you believe in the Devil, you believe in God."

It is believed that the cannibalism Toole allegedly practiced was a perverse sacrament first learned at the altar of the devil-worshipping cult he was inducted into through his own family literally from the cradle.

The ritualistic symbolism of the satanic cult provides an emotional experience similar to that of the Christian church, without the spiritual and moral support. In place of the reinforcement of society's generally-accepted moral principles, the satanic cult provides the direct opposite: a libertine endorsement of unlimited sensuality, disorder, deception, high crimes and misdemeanors up to, including, and ultimately even surpassing murder.

Before we can understand the likes of Ottis Toole, it is truly necessary for us to examine ourselves, and to face the unpleasant evidence of the growing epidemic of the breakdown of our social fabric into the impersonal violence that is everywhere we look. In this sense, cases like these serve as evolutionary drivers, insofar as the challenge of coming to terms with them forces us to evolve into a higher consciousness of ourselves.

A Dialogue with the Devil
by David McGowan
On August 29, 2001, this journalist received an e-mail correspondence from a certain Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, informing me that he was none too pleased with the Pedophocracy series of articles. Go figure. The following is the complete text of the message that I received, interspersed with my responses (in red) to the points that Aquino attempts to make. This posting will serve as an open response, so to speak, to Aquino's correspondence. None of Aquino's comments have been edited and are presented here exactly as received, including the typos and misspellings.
 Subject: "Pedophocracy Part 3"
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 19:20:03 EDT
From: [Aquino's e-mail address, for anyone wishing to send him their own response]
 Dear Mr. McGowan,
 I have just been alerted to your "Pedophocracy" series by Mr. Robert Sterling of The Konformist.
If the purpose of your writings and website is, as you suggest, to expose the truth and not to perpetuate lies, then your continuing to promote "Satanic Ritual Abuse" falsehoods concerning my wife and myself is irresponsible and hypocritical.
To the contrary, what is irresponsible is for the media - largely owned and controlled by the intelligence apparatus to which you have dedicated your life - to consistently ignore and deny the evidence of widespread and absolutely loathsome abuse of children. As Part I of my series abundantly documents, there is in fact a massive body of photographic evidence verifying that children all across this country, and around the world, are being sexually abused, tortured, and even killed for the depraved enjoyment and financial gain of persons probably not unlike yourself.
We have never harmed any children, anywhere, anytime, and have abundantly and aggressively exploded scam-artists' fabrications to the contrary for years.
If you are insinuating that I am a "scam artist" (as you appear to be), I invite you to present any evidence to support that charge. I would point out that that term generally refers to someone who is peddling knowingly false information for personal gain. These articles have been posted and distributed as a public service. I have been paid nothing to make this information available. Indeed, unlike yourself, I have nothing to gain by becoming involved in this issue and a considerable amount to lose.
Certainly the least you could have done was to *contact and ask* me about any questions in your mind on the subject, which I regret you didn't have the integrity to do.
You have absolutely no moral ground to stand on whatsoever to be passing judgment on my integrity.
Appended below is the *truth* concerning the Presidio scam
I find it very telling that you would choose to insert asterisks on either side of the word "truth." A Freudian slip, perhaps?
- which as an avowed opponent of government illegalities and coverups you should find as disgraceful as I did. Everything I say here is a matter of public record, and I have sworn to it under oath as necessary.
Every day, in courtrooms all across America, thousands of people swear under oath to tell the truth and then proceed to lie when it serves their self-interest to do so.
Please consider whether it is accordingly not indeed thr decent thing for you to do to remove mention of my wife's and my name from your "Pedophocracy" piece, both on your site, Sterling's, and wherever else you have circulated it.
I find it rather amazing that you feel yourself qualified to offer an opinion on what the "decent thing to do" is? Your shamelessness apparently knows no bounds.
Michael A. Aquino
You will forgive me if I doubt your sincerity.
Following the publication of the "recovered memories of Satanic ritual abuse" book Michelle Remembers in 1980, the United States and other Anglo-American countries went through a decade of "SRA" scares and witch-hunts. After the 1984 McMartin Preschool became internationally publicized in one such scare, day-care facilities generally became targets of "SRA" witch- hunt instigators.
You haven't even gotten through the first paragraph of your rebuttal and already you are peddling deliberate disinformation. Here you have identified the McMartin Preschool case as a "witch hunt." How then do you explain the existence of the tunnels beneath the school that were uncovered and documented by a highly reputable archaeological team? How do you explain the untimely deaths of three individuals connected to the case just before they were to have their day in court? How do you explain the fact that nearly 500 kids, of all different ages, all reported being abused at the school? How do you account for the fact that the jury hearing the case overwhelmingly believed that the kiwere in fact severely abused, but were unable to affix the blame for that abuse? How do you account for the fact that Virginia McMartin's own granddaughter believed that her kids were abused at the school? You do not account for these things because, quite simply, you cannot. You merely label it a witch hunt without offering a shred of evidence to support that point of view. I happened to grow up in a city just adjacent to Manhattan Beach where my parents were both public school teachers. As such, they had numerous friends and associates who were fellow teachers and other childcare professionals (school nurses, counselors, psychologists, etc.). These people, and thousands more like them around the country, had to deal with the fallout from the McMartin and Presidio operations (and countless others). They had to help rebuild the shattered lives. They had to try, as best they could, to repair the damage and clean up the fucking mess that your people left behind. The McMartin case a 'witch hunt'? I hardly think so.
The epidemic extended to U.S. military services as well, including 15 U.S. Army day-care centers and elementary schools by 1987. In late 1986 it was the turn of the Presidio of San Francisco.
On 9/28/86 the _San Francisco Examiner_ began a series of 8 front-page stories sensationalizing the witch-hunts. Approximately a month later one set of Presidio parents claimed that their son might have been anally raped by one of the day-care teachers, Gary Hambright, and the scare was off and running, with scores of children being "abuse-diagnosed" by a "play-therapist" despite not a single published confirmation of actual physical harm to any child. Hambright denied any "abusing" whatever, and all of the other teachers and staff supported him.
I will assume that when you say "play therapist," you mean therapist that was not fully co-opted by the people that you work for. As for there being no published confirmation of abuse, I would note that, as my article references, the case was written up in a highly respected medical journal that was subject to peer review.
As in other witch-hunts it made no difference: Over the next year Hambright was suspended, indicted, charges dropped reindicted, charges redropped amidst a massive media frenzy. Parents rushed to file over $84 million in claims, as was also routine in such witch-hunts. [The previous year a similar, highly-publicized witch-hunt at West Point had resulted in $110 million claims.]
The truth is, as my article also points out, that the state acknowledged in open court that kids had in fact been abused at the West Point Child Development Center. How exactly does that qualify as a "witch hunt"?
Left out of the Presidio claims bonanza were Christian chaplain Larry Adams-Thompson and his wife Michele, who had never reported their daughter Kinsey Almond for any physical or psychological symptoms during the entire time she had been under Hambright's supervision at the day-care center (9/1-10/31/86). In their original 1/87 FBI interviews both A-Ts were specific about that date- window, because Almond turned 3 on 9/1/86 and, as confirmed by the Presidio Director of Personnel & Community Affairs, Hambright supervised only children age 3 and older.
Despite Almond's untouched state [on 3/12/87 Presidio doctors examined her and pronounced her a virgin free from any physical signs of abuse], the A-Ts placed her in an intensive 8-month program of "play-therapy". The same "therapist" who pronounced the scores of other children "abused" soon pronounced Almond "abused" as well.
There is little doubt that some of the Presidio doctors were complicit in the operation and the cover-up, and are therefore no more credible than you.
The A-Ts, however, were not content with just accusing Hambright. In 6/87 Michele introduced "SRA" themes and insinuations about me - who had been a topic of curiosity and gossip as a famous Satanist officer throughout my 1981-86 assignment to the Presidio Headquarters - to the "therapist".
Then on 8/13/87 the A-Ts saw my wife Lilith and myself at the Presidio post exchange and went running to the witch-hunt investigators alleging that Almond had accused us of kidnapping and raping her while she was under Hambright's supervision. [They then climbed on board the financial bandwagon with a $3 million claim of their own based on their faked story.] This quickly resulted in an even more sensationalistic international media storm.
The truth is that the media in this case, as in virtually every other case of this nature, spent most of its time and energy attempting to downplay the charges and discredit the child victims/witnesses and their parents.
The San Francisco Police investigated, verified that Lilith and I had been 3,000 miles away in Washington, D.C. - where I was on duty every single day Almond was at the daycare center 9/1-10/31/86 - and closed the case with no charges accordingly.
I think we are all adults here, and as such we are well aware that the federal government has it within its power to alter documents to protect one of its own. In fact, it happens all the time.
In October 1988, however, I appeared as a panelist on a Geraldo Rivera Halloween special. Rivera was trying to aggravate and escalate the "SRA" witchhunt mania, and I was speaking out against it.
Well, if you said it on the Geraldo show then it certainly must be true.
The broadcast came to the attention of Senator Jesse Helms, who became enraged that a Lt. Colonel in the Army should dare to hold a "Satanic" religion. As Freedom of Information Act filings later revealed, Helms then secretly contacted his close personal friend, Secretary of the Army John Marsh, and insisted that Marsh devise some way to destroy my career.
The notion that Helms, who himself has deep and long-standing ties to the intelligence community, would take offense to you is a fundamentally preposterous notion. Helms has been around the block a time or two, and is well aware that the intelligence services are brimming with all manner of human refuse -- including expatriate Nazis, organized crime figures, assassins, Latin American death squad leaders, torture aficionados, and more than a few satanists.
As my 20-year military record was without blemish [In 1987 I was the sole USAR officer in the nation selected to attend the prestigious National Defense University/ICAF], the only way to act on Helms' demand was to try to revive the chaplain's scheme to threaten Lilith and myself, apparently expecting that with sufficient intimidation by the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) I would resign and "disappear". [It didn't work.]
The CID first (Jan 89) illegally forced a fulltime active duty board to deny me a new fulltime contract on expiration of my current one in 9/90. Six months later, after a sham "reinvestigation", it issued a report "titling" Lilith and myself for the chaplain's allegations. ["Titling" is a statement by the CID that it thinks a crime occurred.] Nevertheless the report itself contained not a single item of "evidence" other than the A-Ts' allegations that any crime whatever had occurred - and either suppressed or ignored abundant evidence of our innocence and the A-Ts' violations.
[For example, the CID tried to get around our 3,000-miles-away proof of innocence by finding out when we *had* previously been in San Francisco - several months before the 9-10/86 "window" - and then (in 1989) simply revising the allegation to *that* date! When the CID then learned that that this manufactured redate made the A-Ts' alleged location physically impossible, it then (in 1991) proceeded to invent a *new* location, once again on no grounds except its 1991 predicament. Both the manufactured "redating" and "relocating" necessarily made numerous additional elements of the chaplain's original fabrication impossible as well - inconvenient complications that the CID addressed by simply ignoring them.]
What this bizarre exercise in "manufactured evidence" *did* demonstrate was the strength of the political agenda predetermining the CID's "reinvestigation" from the outset. [For instance, the CID's illegal fixing of the fulltime- duty board took place at the *beginning* of its "reinvestigation" - half a year before it was supposedly able to perform the evaluation of that investigation.] Clearly an expose' that we had in fact been the innocent victims of a cold-blooded, calculated scheme to defraud the government - by a *Christian chaplain* - was politically out of the question from the beginning.
My repeated demands that those responsible for the CID action, as well as the chaplain, be court-martialed for false official statements, manufacture of evidence, obstruction of justice, misprision of serious offense, attempted $3 million defrauding of the government, and several other UCMJ and federal law violations, were similarly - and equally illegally - suppressed. The CID's response was to say that I was "swearing falsely" to these facts. Nevertheless it could not - and did not - produce even a single example of *any* such "factual falsehood" in the documents I filed and swore to under penalty of perjury. [Nor, of course, was I ever charged with making even a single "false statement".]
By administrative complaint process in 1990 we were able to have the "SRA titling" of Lilith removed. The CID refused to remove mine - although the A-Ts had always alleged we "did the SRA together" - because to do so would have exploded the entire CID operation and opened a trail of serious law violations leading to Helms and Secretary of the Army Marsh.
I next filed suit in federal court in 1990 to have the rest of the CID report exposed and retracted. The U.S. Privacy Act would have forced a comparison of every CID statement in the report with the actual facts (a _de novo_ judicial review).
For this reason the CID argued intensely that its reports should be immune from _de novo_ review.
The case was filed as a Motion for Summary Judgment. There was no jury or in-court testimony. We assumed that the CID's legal violations were so flagrant, obvious, and numerous that a simple ruling by the judge would suffice.
To our surprise the judge ruled that all CID reports were indeed exempt from _de novo_ judicial review, and that the CID could conclude whatever it wished from its report *as written*.
We appealed, and the appeals court upheld the district judge's decision to exempt CID reports from the Privacy Act. Again in its decision, the appeals court recited as "facts" excerpts from the very CID document whose falsehoods were the *issue* of the entire lawsuit.
Following the lawsuit I detailed and documented the CID lawyer's extensive lies in briefs & oral argument to the Army Inspector General, Judge Advocate General, and finally the Army Chief of Staff.
None of my facts or documents was disputed or refuted, but neither was any action taken to courtmartial those responsible. This effectively exhausted my options.
The bottom line was that on one hand the politically- driven "black bag job" to intimidate me out of the Army had failed, and indeed could not withstand many other decent and honorable offices and officials in the same Army who, as they learned about the scheme, refused to aid, abet, or tolerate it. [This included every single superior officer in my own chain of command throughout all the years of the initial attack against us and the subsequent investigations.]
On the other hand we came to realize that it was politically out of the question that a Christian chaplain be courtmartialed for crimes committed against a "Satanist" and his wife, or that trails of illegal actions leading to powerful national political figures would be followed. And we also learned that the courts were also not about to force exposure such a widespread and potentially politically-explosive cover-up as this one.
And to think that people label me a 'conspiracy theorist.' If I am reading this correctly (which is not an easy thing to do, considering the severely convoluted logic), then you are claiming to be the victim of a 'vast right-wing conspiracy' involving one of the most powerful Senators in the country, the Secretary of the Army, the Army's CID, a district court judge, an appeals court, the Army Inspector General, the Judge Advocate General, the Army Chief of Staff, and numerous other lower-level players all working together for no larger purpose than to destroy you personally. And here I was thinking that what was really going on was a concerted effort to protect you so as not to expose a government-sanctioned operation to torture and abuse children. Of course, only some crazed conspiracy theorist would believe that sort of a scenario. Your version is obviously so much more credible.
On the expiration of my fulltime active duty contract in 1990, I continued as a parttime active USAR officer for the next four years, assigned to Headquarters US Space Command with an above-Top Secret clearance. I decided to retire in 1994, and at that time received the Meritorious Service Medal from the [new] Secretary of the Army, covering 1984-1994. I remain today in the Army as a Lt.Colonel, USAR-Retired.
Most people will find it sufficient, I think, that Lilith and I were never charged with anything after two long investigations (SFPD/FBI, CID), that I retained my TS+ clearance, and that I retired honorably in 1994. My Officer Efficiency Reports from the time of the attack on us to my 1994 retirement also continued to give me the highest possible evaluations in all categories.
You seem to want it both ways. First you spin some long-winded and ludicrous tale of your persecution by the powers that be, and then almost in the same breath trumpet the numerous honors bestowed upon you by those very same powers, while attempting to vindicate yourself by noting that no charges were ever filed against you. So which is it? Quite frankly, I fail to see how you can seriously contend that you were persecuted when, as is in fact the case, no charges were ever filed against you -- despite the testimony of numerous witnesses not only from the Presidio, but from elsewhere around the country as well.
My military service and present Army-Retired status are public record and can be independently verified by anyone wishing to take the trouble.
As far as I know, no one has disputed that you have a military service record -- a record that includes time spent in Vietnam as a psychological warfare operative, which quite likely means that you were a part of the Phoenix Program. For the uninitiated, Phoenix was a program concerned with the illegal torture and assassination of as many as 40,000 Vietnamese men, women, and children.
Nor is the 1990 lawsuit in any sense a "skeleton in my closet". A review of my attorney's district & appeals briefs & orals will glaringly expose what was actually taking place: a court coverup of blatant Senatorial/SecArmy/CID misconduct - and simultaneous brushing-aside of numerous illegal actions against an Army officer and his wife of a "politically incorrect" religion.
An easy allegation to make, though there is nothing beyond your word to indicate that there is any substance to this charge.

Michael A. Aquino, Ph.D.
Lt.Colonel, USAR-Ret.

[Here follows an additional comment of mine concerning the original "abuse" allegations at the Presidio of S.F. concerning the daycare teacher there, Gary Hambright:]
Hambright was originally indicted 12/86 on the basis of allegations made by the Tobin parents (which kicked off the Presidio witchhunt). This indictment was dismissed 3/87 on the grounds of hearsay.
It's rather interesting that in your earlier accounting of the case you made no mention of the name Tobin and strongly implied that the entire "witch hunt" was instigated by Chaplain Larry Adams-Thompson, thereby allowing you to cast the entire investigation as some kind of religious persecution. The truth is that it isn't about religion. It's about pedophilia.
After more parent/therapist input to investigators, Hambright was reindicted 9/87 on "two counts of oral copulation and 10 counts of lewd & lascivious conduct" (SF Chronicle 1/4/88).
All of these charges were dropped by 2/17/88. On 2/18/88 the Chronicle said:
"The final count of oral copulation against the former Southern Baptist minister was dismissed by U.S. District Judge William Schwarzer after the parents of the alleged victim said their child could not withstand the rigors of the trial."
[The Tobins originally alleged "anal rape" of their son by Hambright. When a pediatrician refuted any evidence of this on S.F. television, the allegation was switched to "oral copulation".]
No news article that I have ever read indicated that there was a shred of *physical* evidence showing that *any* child at the Presidio had been sexually abused in connection with that scam. I say "news article" because I was not privy to investigators' records on the Hambright allegations, and can verify only what I read in the media.
Partway through the investigation a stir was created when the media announced that several of the children had been diagnosed with Chlamydia. However (a) the Army later announced the tests were unreliable, (b) no retesting of the children was ever conducted, (c) Chlamydia can be transmitted by direct contact with any mucuous membrane [such as mouth or eyes], (d) no testing of the children's parents for this disease was conducted, and (e) reportedly Hambright did not have this disease. [For that matter, as verified by our own medical records, neither Lilith nor I have ever had it either.]
The *only* "evidence" against Hambright thus consisted of parental hearsay allegations and the allegations of "therapist" Debbie Hickey, the Army psychiatrist who conducted the "play therapy" indoctrination sessions for the children once the scam got underway.
If you don't count the testimony of the sixty child witnesses.
Though it is inevitably denied in such cases, children on average are at least as credible, if not more so, than adult witnesses. And then of course there is the medical evidence and the psychological symptoms of abuse, which you also choose to deny. Parents of some of the children have stated that investigators didn't bother talking to them after their children's abuse was medically confirmed, as my article also makes note of.
Later on, after Lilith and I had been attacked by Chaplain Adams-Thompson, I met with Hambright's public defenders in their S.F. office to see what documents they might provide which would help us. During that meeting (which occurred after the second dropping of all charges against Hambright), I bluntly asked the two lawyers if there were *any* actual evidence - not just accusations - that Hambright had committed any abuse crime whatever. They both said, "None at all." [They didn't say "no comment" or "we can't discuss that".]
The fact that his defense attorneys protested his innocence proves absolutely nothing. They wouldn't be doing their job were they to do otherwise. Among all the hollow arguments you have presented thus far, this is perhaps the most specious of them all.
To me the ultimate proof that no Hambright abuse was committed is the *timeline*. According to the Chronicle story quoted above, Hambright was ultimately accused of sexual attacks of up to 60 children during the period May 85-November 86 (when the Tobins made their allegations and started the witchhunt against him). Is it possible that 60 children 3-6 years old (the only age group in Hambright's daycare classes) could have been raped and sodomized for *a year and a half* before the Tobins made their allegations *and not a single parent noticed anything wrong with any child either physically or behaviorally during that year-and-a-half*?
Not only is it possible, it actually happens all the time. As any reputable therapist working in the field can attest (that is, one who isn't co-opted by your people, such as the liars at FMSF and VOCAL), children who have been subjected to the type of unfathomable abuse that these kids reported need to be removed from that environment for a considerable period of time before they feel comfortable revealing the depravities that have been inflicted on them. As I'm sure you know, children who have been repeatedly threatened with death, and who have been told repeatedly that their parents and other loved ones will be killed, and who have had those warnings reinforced by being forced to witness and participate in the killing of others, become quite adept at hiding their abuse from their parents and other family members.
We assume that none of the parents ever took any child to the Presidio hospital for any such problem during that time otherwise symptoms of sexual abuse would have started an investigation *right then*. No one noticed *anything* the slightest bit wrong with *any* child until *after* the Tobins had started the whole accusation/"therapy" show on the road.
These are the basic facts I know about the Hambright allegations. On 1/6/90 the _Chronicle_ stated that Hambright had died 11/8/89 of AIDS:
"'This seems to be the sad, final chapter in the story,' said Nanci Clarence, one of two federal public defenders who represented Hambright in the child molestation case. 'Gary died with a clear conscience. It's just too bad that he had to spend the final two years of his life battling these baseless charges.'"
You will forgive me if I fail to shed a tear for the dearly departed Hambright (whose death was kind of timely, don't you think?). We all know that under our system of jurisprudence, one is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty. The unfortunate truth though is that we live in a world where people like you are protected, so there is virtually no chance that the numerous charges made against you will ever be given a fair and just hearing. When faced with such a situation, 'we the people' have no choice but to render our own verdict, after taking into account the full weight of the evidence on both sides. Having undertaken such a review, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are guilty as charged, beyond what I would consider to be a reasonable doubt. There is nothing in your rebuttal argument that would lead me to reconsider that verdict.

People in San Francisco HATE TRUTH! No Thinking Allowed!

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Circle the Wagons (campbell) (Kudos)

I had contact with this Gentleman, but was distracted & forgot where my Email was, in Hospital 3 Time Heart Pain, Stomach Flu, & Pneumonia, since May.

I Agree with him, & suggest that People Born in Kansas, Raised in Oklahoma, Texas & Arkansas are Better Judges of America's impending death than most Political Commentators.

Yet I post here some Brainy Quotes from a Academic who had his Book (Manufacturing Consent) BURNED BY THE PUBLISHER before it could be distributed, & if I had not read Amusing Ourselves To Death, & Marshall McCuen (Who called Television "the vast wasteland," intellectually-challenged conservatives have used it to accuse its critics as elitists and snobs.

In television news, the cables cater to niche audiences while the three major networks struggle with their half-hour nightly shows which offer too much fluff for such limited time slots.
By the way, they call television news "programming" for a reason.
Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by Dave McGowan -
Takes the reader on a dark and troubling journey over some rough, and likely unfamiliar, terrain. Programmed to Kill is an alternative look at violent crime in twentieth-century America. This may seem, at first glance, like a radical departure from my previous books -- until one realizes that in this modern world that we inhabit, there is no discernible difference between crime and politics. If you aren't yet convinced of that, you might be after you finish reading this book.

Too much gimmickry and need to entertain rather than inform and educate. One thing television news must avoid at all costs -- Boring.

America's attention span is measured in nanoseconds.
Television falls prey to channel surfers: Catch their attention now or lose them.

That is the new "wasteland."

"How it is we have so much information, but know so little?"

"The more you can increase fear of drugs, crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all of the people."

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum...."

"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so."

Everyone's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's really an easy way: Stop participating in it.

"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume."

"That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything."

"If you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world."

"We shouldn't be looking for heroes, we should be looking for good ideas."

"The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they're dysfunctional to the institutions.

"Science is a bit like the joke about the drunk who is looking under a lamppost for a key that he has lost on the other side of the street, because that's where the light is. It has no other choice."

"Our ignorance can be divided into problems and mysteries. When we face a problem, we may not know its solution, but we have insight, increasing knowledge, and an inkling of what we are looking for. When we face a mystery, however, we can only stare in wonder and bewilderment, not knowing what an explanation would even look like.

Neoliberal democracy. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless.

In sum, neoliberalism is the immediate and foremost enemy of genuine participatory democracy, not just in the United States but across the planet, and will be for the foreseeable future.

How people themselves perceive what they are doing is not a question that interests me. I mean, there are very few people who are going to look into the mirror and say, 'That person I see is a savage monster'; instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do. If you ask the CEO of some major corporation what he does he will say, in all honesty, that he is slaving 20 hours a day to provide his customers with the best goods or services he can and creating the best possible working conditions for his employees. But then you take a look at what the corporation does, the effect of its legal structure, the vast inequalities in pay and conditions, and you see the reality is something far different."
Scrubbed off the Internet! Power Hates Truth!
I May have the Last Surviving Copy of The BLOG COP WATCH RAIDED, JAILED, BEATEN ----->from(
By Carlos Miller

In what should send a frightening chill down the spine of every blogger, writer, journalist and First Amendment advocate in the United States, Phoenix police raided the home of a blogger who has been highly critical of the department.

Jeff Pataky, who runs Bad Phoenix Cops, said the officers confiscated three computers, routers, modems, hard drives, memory cards and everything necessary to continue blogging.

The 41-year-old software engineer said they also confiscated numerous personal files and documents relating to a pending lawsuit he has against the department alleging harassment - which he says makes it obvious the raid was an act of retaliation.

Maricopa County Judge Gary Donahoe signed the search warrant that allowed at least ten cops to raid his home in North Phoenix on March 12 while handcuffing his female roommate for three hours as they tore the place apart.

Pataky, who was out of town on a business trip during the raid, also believes police were retaliating against him for the content of his blog, much of it which comes from inside sources within the department.

"They broke into my safe and took the backups of my backups," he said in a phone interview with Photography is Not a Crime on Wednesday.

"I can't even file my taxes because all my business plans are gone. They took everything."

The search warrant lists "petty theft" and "computer tampering with the intent to harass" as probable causes. He has yet to see an actual affidavit that lists in detail the probable cause and is skeptical that one even exists.

"They say everything has been sealed," he said.

The conflict between Pataky and the Phoenix Police Department began two years ago during "a nasty divorce" after moving out of the house he had shared with his wife. His said she was not taking the divorce too well and began filing false allegations against him accusing him of stalking and harassing her.

Many of the reports she filed accused him of doing things when he was out of town, he said.

So he began filing complaints with everybody from Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon down to Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris to no avail. He was eventually indicted for harassing his ex-wife.

A month before the trial, he and a few friends launched the website as a rant against the police department. When he went to trial in May 2008, his charges were immediately dismissed because of lack of evidence, he said.

"We were going to shut down the website after that but then all of a sudden all these good cops started hitting the site and sending us tips," he said.

He said they would also deliver all kinds of internal documents from within the department exposing everything from a cop with multiple DUIs to another cop whose son was a child molester and was trying to get on the force (and was eventually arrested).

"We have about 50 to 100 retired and active cops who provide us information," he said.

Police apparently believe one of the tipsters is an officer named David Barnes, who fell out of favor with the department in 2007 when he was a detective and went public with claims of mismanaged evidence at the city crime lab.

Police also raided Barnes' home and according to Pataky's inside sources, plan to raid the homes of more cops.

Police have been extremely vague about the nature of the raids, according to the arizona republic.

Police officials said Wednesday that a Phoenix detective prompted the investigation after complaining about harassment, though they declined further comment�

Phoenix Assistant Chief Andy Anderson said the harassment case is unique because of the connection to an unaccredited grassroots Web site. He said the blog is one part of the case, though he did not provide specifics of the ongoing investigation.

"This isn't about the blog," Anderson said. "That's just where the investigation led."

The allegation of "petty theft" against Pataky stem from photos he posted on his blog of police name plates that appear to have been taken from within the department. He said he actually made the plates himself.

The allegation of "computer tampering with the intent to harass" obviously has to do with his no holds barred criticism of the department.

Pataky, who has since purchased a new laptop, is taking the raid in stride and has added it to the allegations in his pending lawsuit.

And he has not let it stop him from blogging.

"They thought they were going to scare us into a corner but they just made us stronger."
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