Another Right Wing Hit Piece
People say that Mother Teresa was an inspirational figure. I ask my students sometimes to name a role model, and I always hear the answer, "Mother Teresa."
But what did Mother Teresa actually do? I know she was into charity and helping the poor and all that jazz, but who was she? What was motivating her to live this way? Thankfully. Mother Teresa was pretty web savvy and has a beefy Wikipedia profile.
As it turns out, Mother Teresa was an Albanian, Indian, Roman Catholic nun. Which sounds exactly like a description of someone who would beat you senseless with a stick for not saying your Hail Marys. "It's good for you; it's God's will," she would say, with a stone cold face, as she turned your butt red with her thrashings, possibly picking her teeth with a toothpick at the same time.
She did, however, devote her whole goddamn life to serving Jesus, so she can't be all bad.
But why did she do it?
There is only one photo of Mother Teresa where she is smiling. It has been recreated with different backgrounds and color schemes, but it is still only one. The rest of the time, she looks like my late Nana ten beers deep after her Steelers lost in the playoffs.
I looked a little deeper to see if I could get a better feel for this woman. And then I found the golden ticket: she racked up more awards for being peaceful than anyone in human history. She even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, but refused the conventional ceremonial banquet and gave the $192k prize to poor people in India. Noble move, right? I don't think so. It wasn't enough for her to be recognized for the award? She needed to also be recognized as the person who refused the ceremony and the money? Annoying. She was on a secret, personal mission to be the most peaceful person ever, even surpassing Gandhi.
I suspect that if I could have broken into her apartment I would have found a headshot of Gandhi on the wall with his eyeballs carved out by a knife and darts sticking to his forehead (ok maybe not, but I can dream). "That son of a bitch was so effective that he got assassinated," she would mumble under her breath as she stared at herself in the mirror during her daily morning pep talk. "I'm the most self-less. That half-naked bastard never won any awards. I will show the world," she would continue as she splashed scalding hot water on her aging face just to feel alive.
She set out on a mission to be the most helpful, the most philanthropic, and the most peaceful human ever. She even went so far as to visit a leprosy colony to help the people that no one else would help. No one else would help. What normal person would do something like this? "Leprosy, oh no thanks, I'm going to sit this one out. . .those people are fucked," the other charitable figures would say. Not MT, that was her opportunity to shine, to stand out amongst the crowd of half-assed helpers.
Charity is something most people do on the side because they feel fortunate to be living a good life and want to give back.
Charitable work is motivated by compassion. Most people have compassion but are ultimately going to make sure they are taking care of themselves and their families. That is the nature of our existence. It's our biology and it's our instinct. It is the sign of a healthy individual. Perhaps one might argue that some people have a different spiritual purpose during their lifetimes here. Well, unfortunately, Mother Teresa was one miracle away from being recognized as a saint by the Catholic church, so I guess that shoots that theory down. Bummer.
Too much attention on other people means not enough attention on yourself. Which usually means something gnar gnar happened, and it is easier to cater to the suffering of others than to fix your own life. I'm going to make the obvious connection here to a lot of "healers" (barf) and yoga teachers. They are pretty damn fantastic when you are suffering and need their help. But try telling them you've got it covered, things are under control, and you don't need them. "What? You don't need me?" Watch the healing teacher become the raging bull and suffer a complete meltdown right before your eyes. The insides of those with the perfect outsides.
What if the poor had refused Mother Teresa's help and she was left living a life just for herself? What would her days have looked like if everywhere she went the people told her they were better off without her help? What if your yoga teachers or your friends didn't have your problems to dwell on? What would things look like if everyone was forced to deal with their own shit? Well, it would be a shit show, I guess. It's pretty obvious that Mother Teresa was simply the most unhappy person in human history.
About Kirk Hensler
Kirk Hensler was raised in metro Detroit on a steady diet of meat, potatoes and team sports. As a competitive athlete, he relied on his speed, power and dominant attitude to excel. Years later, when he took up martial arts, he was tossed around a sweaty dojo for months by various women and children. One day, while horizontal on the mat, he had the profound realization that their patience and finesse quietly trumped his strength and aggression. This led to an exploration of ancient Eastern philosophies, which, in turn, led Kirk to Taiwan, where he taught English, studied martial arts and ate a lot of delicious and strange street food. When Kirk returned to the US, he began applying what he'd learned to his Western, urban life and to his career as a wellness coach, martial arts instructor, and yoga teacher. Check out Kirk's Egoist Bullshit! As a Bitch, he only needs a Dress!
Abby Hoffmann says:
Mother Theresa was a sham! She didn't care about the poor -- she systematically witheld and opposed the means by which women could help and empower themselves -- namely contraception and education.. Sorry, Does not mean squat, It was NOT in Mother's Power to Give these means to Dying Lepers! All the Filthy Lies in the world can change one fact, She Gave Dying Lepers a Place to Die in Dignity, & That was her only mission.
Compassion is recognizing that that person is just like you and so you wish for them the happiness and freedom from suffering that you want. It is actually difficult to put into practice.
People, yogis and Smart Yippie New Age shitheels, need to quit thinking that happiness means you are delusionally upbeat all the time. "follow your bliss" "find your truth" hearts and stars and happy faces. I get personally irked when the yoga teachers of which you speak pepper their speech with "my child"
But what Mother Theresa was doing was hard work. It wasn't about her.
I'm sorry to inform you, but mother theresa was not a good women. She made an organization [she did no such thing!]where she watched people die and refused to get them real help.[ Dam, you Bitch! That WAS Her MISSION! The CASTE system allowed nothing else!] There are many, many, many accounts on this. There are books, documentaries, articles, testemonies, and so much more supporting what i am saying. Before you give mother theresa props, look at what she was really doing in Culcutta[YOU go to Calcutta, bitch! It Stinks! Seriously, riding from the Aero Port into the City you cannot believe the Stench! However, one soon forgets that, when the Swarms of Beggers surround you, as they can Spot a Rich Tourist! Police Beat them away from you, but not before you fearfully pee yourself! I visited there in 1975, as a Peace Corps Volunteer, a Nebraska Fellow Traveller peed herself...and Wept at the Abject Proverty, people here in San Francisco tell me Nothing has changed. You Go Help People, Foul bitch, rather than Sit on your Haemorrhoidal Tush poking hatred at others!]
Why not take a look at what she was doing in San Francisco, where I Personally Saw Her? Today, Sunday, 22 June, 2014, there are Thousands of Displaced People Dying on the Streets, Here, in Good Old America, Land of the Free! The Rich Techies are Taking over Every Piece of Real Estate, & The Mayor, Edward the 8th. Lee, is taking Bribes to Allow the Systemic Genocide of the Poor, to let the Poor Die without Dignity, in the Richest Nation, and This Genocidal Ideology is the same Craven, Callousness that Mother tried to Alleviate in Calcutta. American People are Cruelly a Sorry, Greedy & Hateful bunch!
What do you call it when you attribute words, thoughts, motivations to someone that are not theirs.? It is lying. There can certainly be valid criticism of Mother Teresa. Ironically, because she was rather open, she supplied the ammunition to her detractors . Hutchins purposely set out to create a distorted portrait of Mother Theresa because he was opposed to her philosophy. [ Hutchins Worshipped Ann Ryan, go figure!]If you take all from this pile and none from that pile, you'll be a great "reality" TV producer but a poor judge of truth. There is no one who aspires to goodness, who is not at least in part a hypocrite. In the largest measures, we know that Mother Theresa chose to live a difficult life among the poorest of the poor and brought world attention to their plight. She had flaws. She was complex.
When you claim to know more than you actually do you are a liar. I get it. You write a blog. You'd like to appear intelligent despite lacking any intellectual honesty. You cloak yourself in some imagined understanding of "eastern" (too use such a vacant phrase) philosophy. Try this instead. Be humble. Be reluctant to accuse. Be hesitant to make bold proclamations. Use restraint. Be mature. Don't be like every other young American punk who thinks he has "out thought" the wisdom of the ages. It comes across as ridiculous and a little sad.
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